sâmbătă, 2 august 2008

Health is when mind and body are one.

We express our will to others by both gestures and words. When we wear this transcendental hand and make meaningful gestures, we see outlines of the model hand that match both the shapes and the meanings of the names of the Hebrew, Greek, and Arabic letters. For example, pointing to one’s mouth displays the letter Pe, which means "mouth." Because root meanings can be built from these universally recognized letter-gestures, a naive person can read the meanings of Hebrew words spelled out in gestures of this special hand. Thus this natural hand-gesture language, based on a philosophical interpretation of the ancient circle-squaring riddle, also explains biblical claims of a universal language lost at the Tower of Babel.

We live in a world of seeming duality:
Process/Structure Oral/Written

Wave/Particle Lily/Thorn

Female/Male General/Particular

Analog/Digital Yin/Yang

Continuous/Discrete Mind/Body

Dynamic/Static Spirit/Matter


These qualities are complementary. They orbit, blend into, grow from and through each other, and together they resolve and define a unity, the Tao of their domain. When these complements are infinitely interpenetrating they are one whole; as pairs, they are the essential defining distinction of their whole. Each complement is dependent on and defined by its other. The set of all these dualities can be elegantly modeled by the polar distinction between total symmetry and total asymmetry. No complement is more separate, nor more bound, than the order of symmetry and the chaos of nothing same.

In three dimensions the most elegant economical structure exhbiting total symmetry is the tetrahedron. It has spin symmetry about all its elements

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