Blessing for surviving illness or danger
The Birkhat Ha‑Gomel blessing is said after surviving illness, childbirth, or danger.
Blessing: Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha‑olam, ha‑gomel lahayavim tovot sheg'malani kol tov.
Congregational Response: Amen. Mi sheg'malkha (for a woman: sheg'malayikh) kol tov hu yigmalkha (yigmalayikh) kol tov. Selah.
Blessing: "Blessed are You, LORD, our God, King of the Universe, Who bestows good things on the unworthy, and has bestowed on me every goodness."
Congregational Response: "Amen. He Who has bestowed on you every goodness, may He continue to bestow on you every goodness. Selah."
Note: Most halakhic authorities hold that the Ha‑Gomel blessing must be said publicly, in front of a minyan of 10. It is customary for men to say it after being called to the Torah. Many Orthodox authorities [1] hold that women are also obligated to say the Birchat Hagomel blessing. The blessing is not time‑dependent, and it substitutes in part for the todah (Thanksgiving) offering, one of the classes of korbanot (sacrifices) which women were obligated to offer (e.g. after childbirth) in the days of the Temple in Jerusalem. Accordingly, these authorities say that women are eligible to be counted in the minyan of 10 equally with men for the special purpose of the mitzvah of saying the HaGomel blessing and its congregational response publicly.
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