Yesterday, Sarkozy addressed the Knesset and in addition to expressing his support for Israel and his stance against a nuclear Iran, the President called for a freeze on settlement activity and the eventual division of Jerusalem.
This last point was aggressively rejected by the National Council of Young Israel, an American synagogue group, today.
The French President has no business suggesting that Israel divide that which is indivisible. Israel can agree to a divided Jerusalem no more than General Charles de Gaulle and the French were able to agree to a divided France under the Nazis during Work War II. The position of the National Council of Young Israel continues to be that there can be no division of Jerusalem at any time, under any circumstances.
ieri spatele primei doamne a frantei a ramas descoperit pentru ... sa zic 1 minut... 2?... pe scara avionului... timp in care breavele nostre forte de ordine se risipeau ca soarecii speriati de o impuscatura...pur si simpu au lasat-o cu spatele descoperit in timp ce se imprastiau... daca ar fi fost un atentat si nu o sinucidere ce ar fi fost?...inca o data ma conving ca numai gura si legenda... numai mitul e de noi...
JERUSALEM (AP) — An Israeli official says a policeman committed suicide at an airport farewell for French President Nicolas Sarkozy, setting off panic at the ceremony.
The shooting at Israel's Ben-Gurion airport sent Sarkozy's wife, Carla Bruni, running up the stairs into their airplane. Security guards surrounded the French leader and whisked him aboard as well. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was also hustled away.
Police spokesman Shlomi Sagi says the policeman died in an apparent suicide. Police say there was no assassination attempt on Sarkozy.
2 comentarii:
Exista citeva perimetre de securitate, cel mai apropiat e vorba de garda de corp personala. Securitatea presedintelui francez e asigurata de garda de corp prezidentiala franceza, asa ca bati de obicei. Continua sa scrii despre ceaiuri si porumbei ca la asta te pricepi...Baba si mitraliera
daca eu bat campii de obicei tu de ce ti-ai facut un obicei din a citi ce scriu eu?... sunt parerile mele, asta am vazut si asta am inteles si am dreptul sa am si o parere conteaza ca era si garda de corp franceza acolo,israelienii se presupune ca trebuie sa fie mai bine antrenati in situatii de atentat si raman la parerea mea, spatele doamnei sarkozy trebuia acoperit...
debka, daca ai nervii intinsi si fitilul scurt numai cand e vorba de isrelieni, bea un ceai de tei, induce somnul si ...face tenul frumos si piciorul mic
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