duminică, 8 iunie 2008

The Research Centre for the Foundations of Modern Thought

ce avem la nas si noi nu stim....fundamentele...modernitatii...europene...

Centrul de cercetare “Fundamentele modernităţii europene”
Scopul Centrului de cercetare este crearea unei ambiante intelectuale pentru studiul culturii, ideilor, stiintei, societatii si spiritualitatii secolului al XVII-lea european precum si a perioadelor care pot fi puse în relatie cu acesta. Aceasta ambianta va fi realizata prin activitati de cercetare intra- si interdisciplinara, încurajînd munca în echipa si diseminarea rezultatelor în module curriculare existente în Facultatile din Universitatea din Bucuresti sau care vor fi create la initiativa Centrului.

Detalii la: http://www.modernthought.unibuc.ro

The Research Center for the Foundations of Modern Thought is trying to create an adequate intellectual environment for the study of the 17th Century’s culture, science, society, spirituality and ideas.


Bucharest Colloquim in Early Modern Philosophy 2008 Vanishing bodies and the birth of modern physics.

Experimental philosophy, speculative philosophy and the missing matter theory of the seventeenth century

The Bucharest Colloquium in Early Modern Philosophy continues a series of meetings and summer seminars organised by the Research Centre Foundations of Modern Thought (University of Bucharest), New Europe College (Bucharest) and Princeton University. The present project, which aims to continue this tradition, is initiated by a scientific committee from around the world: Princeton University, University of Otago, New Zealand, University of Bucharest and University of Notre Dame.

Location: New Europe College, 21 Plantelor Street, Bucharest
Bucharest, June 30th-July 1st 2008.

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