vineri, 24 octombrie 2008

despre chisturile ovariene-culese

un chist ovarian este o colectie de lichid si semilichid pe ovar si reprezinta o functionare anormala a ovarului. Chistul ovarian este destul de des intalnit, mai ales la femeile care au ciclu menstrual ovulatoriu. Aparitia acestor chisturi este direct legata de procesul de ovulatie. De aceea aparitia acestor chisturi la fetele care nu au avut ciclu menstrual, sau la femeile care au trecut de perioada de menopauza si nu au ciclu menstrual, reprezinta un serios semnal de alarma, fiindca acestea pot avea caracter malign.
Un ovar contine numeroase ovule (intre 150.000 si 250.000) dar lunar se matureaza numai unul. Cavitatea in care un ovul se dezvolta se numeste folicul. In perioada de ovulatie acest folicul ovarian va elibera ovocitul spre a-si urma drumul catre trompe si fecundare. Daca nu are loc ovulatia, ciclul de dezvoltare este suspendat. Foliculul ovarian trebuie inteles ca parte a ciclului menstrual dar si ca rezultat al acestui ciclu. Foliculul ovarian este un produs.
Ciclul menstrual se afla sub comanda si control hormonal. Sunt implicati mai multi hormoni ce se influenteaza direct. Hipotalamusul secreta un neurohormon LH - RH. Acest hormon stimuleaza glanda hipofiza care secreta, la randul ei, doi hormoni FSH si LH ce ajung la nivelul ovarelor prin circulatia sanguina. FSH influenteaza maturatia folicului ovarian si regleaza concentratia de estrogeni (estrogen - hormon ovarian) secretati de catre ovar. LH provoaca ruptura folicului ovarian si astfel provoaca eliberarea ovocitului - ovulatia. El declanseaza cresterea secretei de progesteron (progesteron - hormon ovarian) de catre corpul galben aparut prin transformarea folicului ovarian.
Un raspuns gresit la impulsurile de la nivelul hipotalamusului si hipofizei duca la o "functionare" anormala a folicului ovarian. El, in loc sa elibereze ovocitul, continua sa creasca si sa-si umple cavitatea cu lichid. Cresterea anormala a acestui folicul ce nu a eliberat ovocitul il transforma intr-un chist. Chistul ovarian se poate dezvolta si dupa ovulatie la nivelul corpului galben ce se formeaza in urma eliberarii ovocitului. Chistul ovarian nu este "altceva", este un folicul ovarian care se deyvolta anormal, haotic.
Acest tip de chist ovariarian se numeste chist functional. In mod normal chisturile functionale se resorb in timp, fara interventie. O metoda de a "trata" aceste chisturi este administrarea de pilule contraceptive ceea ce duce la oprirea ovulatiei si de aici la oprirea aparitiei foliculilor ovarieni care s-ar putea transforma in chisturi. Este o "pauza" pe care o ia ovarul, o perioada de odihna. In acest timp chisturile trebuie sa involueze pana la a dispare total, fara a lasa urme. Dar daca aceste chisturi devin mari, daca incep sa provoace dureri sau alte neplaceri, se poate ajunge la interventie chirurgicala.
Manifestarile chistului ovarian constau in dureri - din cauza presiunii asupra organelor din apropiere, dereglari ale ciclului menstrual (intarzieri ale menstruatiei care asociate cu febra, greata si varsaturile pot da o impreie falsa, de sarcina), sangerari anormale sau chiar amenoree - din cauza dezechilibrului secretiei de hormoni, probleme de urinare - din cauza presiunii pe care o poate exercita asupra vezicii urinare sau tractului urinar, durere in timpul actului sexual.
Modul de diagnosticare este examenul ginecologic sau ecografia. Ecografia da posibilitatea stabilirii mai exacte a structurii, dimensiunii si localizarii chistului dar, cel mai important, poate face diferenta intre un chist benign si unul malign.
Chisturile apar ca raspuns gresit la stimulii de tip hormonal, incepand cu cei ai sistemului nervos central ... creierul. Chisturile ovariene sunt caracteristice femeilor emotive, cu hipotalamusul foarte sensibil la perturbatii psihice.


Un chist ovarian poate fi identificat in timpul unui examen pelvin, in cadrul caruia medicul palpeaza ovarele. Daca este descoperit un chist ovarian, medicul va recomanda examene complementare pentru a determina tipul, marimea si compozitia chistului. Aceste informatii permit luarea unei decizii in ceea ce priveste necesitatea unei interventii chirurgicale.

Pentru a identifica tipul de chist, sunt folosite urmatoarele proceduri:

Ecografia – se poate realiza pe cala abdominala sau vaginala (ecografie transvaginala) si utilizeaza ultrasunetele, permitand vizualizarea uterului si ovarelor. Ecografia permite confirmarea prezentei unui chist, precum si determinarea precisa a pozitiei, volumului si compozitiei sale (daca este solid, plin cu lichid sau mixt).

Laparoscopia – folosind un instrument subtire, prevazut cu o sursa luminoasa (laparoscop) si inserat in abdomen printr-o mica incizie, medicul poate vizualiza ovarele si chiar extirpa chistul (chistectomie).

Masurarea CA 125 (Cancer antigen 125). Nivelul proteinei CA 125 are valori ridicate la femeile cu cancer ovarian. Daca este identificat un chist ovarian partial solid, iar pacienta prezinta riscuri de cancer ovarian, medicul poate recomanda masurarea nivelului de CA 125 din sange pentru a stabili daca chistul este malign. Valorile ridicate ale proteinei CA 125 din sange pot indica si alte afectiuni necanceroase precum endometrioza, fibromul uterin si boala inflamatorie pelvina.


In mod normal, in ovar se dezvolta in fiecare luna structuri asemanatoare chisturilor numite foliculi – acestia produc estrogen si progesteron si elibereaza ovulul.
Uneori un folicul normal continua sa creasca si este numit chist functional, deoarece a aparut in timpul ciclului menstrual.

Exista doua tipuri de chisturi ovariene functionale:

Chist folicular
La jumatatea ciclului menstrual, glanda pituitara secreta hormonul luteinizant (LH), care stimuleaza eliberarea ovulului de catre folicul. In mod normal, foliculul se rupe, iar ovulul este eliberat si este captat de trompele uterine, unde asteapta sa fie fertilizat.
Chistul folicular incepe sa se formeze atunci cand secretia de LH nu se produce. Rezultatul este un folicul care nu se rupe si nu elibereaza ovulul. In schimb, el continua sa creasca si se transforma intr-un chist. Chisturile foliculare sunt inofensive, rareori cauzeaza durere si dispar adesea de la sine in decursul a doua sau trei cicluri menstruale.

Chist luteal sau corp luteal
Atunci cand glanda pituitara secreta LH iar ovulul este expulzat, foliculul rupt produce cantitati mari de estrogen si progesteron pentru a pregati organismul pentru o eventuala sarcina. Foliculul poarta acum denumirea de corp luteal sau corp galben. Uneori insa, in interiorul acestuia se acumuleaza lichid, iar corpul luteal se mareste si devine chist. Desi acest chist dispare de la sine in cateva saptamani, el poate ajunge la 10 cm in diametru, se poate torsiona (rasuci) sau sangera, cauzand durere pelvina sau abdominala.
Tratamentul pentru infertilitate cu clomifen citrat (Clomid, Serophene), utilizat pentru inducerea ovulatiei, creste riscul formarii unui chist luteal in urma ovulatiei. Aceste chisturi nu impiedica obtinerea unei sarcini si nu pun in pericol sarcina formata.
Prezenta unui chist ovarian poate fi responsabila pentru urmatoarele semne si simptome:

» tulburari menstruale
» durere pelvina – o durere surda, constanta sau intermitenta, ce poate iradia spre coloana vertebrala si membrele inferioare
» durere pelvina – imediat dupa inceperea menstruatiei sau imediat dupa incheierea ei
» durere in timpul contactelor sexuale (dispareunie)
» greturi, vomitaturi sau dureri mamare similare cu cele prezente in timpul sarcinii
» dureri abdominale
» senzatie de presiune pe rect sau vezica urinara – dificultati de golire completa a vezicii

Semnele si simptomele care necesita atentie medicala de urgenta sunt:
» durere pelvina severa, care survine brusc
» durere insotita de febra sau vomitaturi
» senzatie de frig, piele rece si umeda, respiratie accelerata, lesin, ameteala, slabiciune -semnele care indica un soc

De cele mai multe ori, femeile nu prezinta semne. Sau, atunci cand simptomele sunt prezente, ele sunt similare cu cele ale altor afectiuni, precum endometrioza, boala inflamatorie pelvina, sarcina extrauterina si cancerul ovarian. Chiar si apendicita si diverticulita pot determina simptome asemanatoare celor produse de ruperea unui chist ovarian.
Urmatoarele tipuri de chisturi sunt mai putin obisnuite decat chisturile functionale:

Chist dermoid – acest tip de chist poate contine fire de par, piele si dinti deoarece se dezvolta din celulele care formeaza embrionul uman. Sunt rareori cancerosi dar pot creste foarte mult, cauzand torsiunea ovarului.

Chist endometriozic – este rezultatul unei endometrioze, o afectiune in care celulele mucoasei uterine (endometru) se intalnesc inafara uterului. O parte a acestui tesut se poate fixa pe un ovar, formand chisturi.

Chistadenom – acest tip de chist se poate dezvolta din tesutul ovarian si poate contine un lichid limpede, apos sau cu material solid. Ele se pot mari, ajungand pana la 30 cm in diametru si pot cauza torsiunea ovarului.

Desi nu exista o metoda de a preveni aparitia chisturilor ovariene, examenele pelvice frecvente sunt un mod de a se asigura ca toate modificarile ovarelor sunt diagnosticate cat mai curand.
In plus, femeile trebuie sa fie atente la modificarile ciclului menstrual, inclusiv la simptomele neobisnuite ce insotesc menstruatia si care persista timp de mai multe cicluri menstruale.
un chist ovarian este o colectie de lichid si semilichid pe ovar si reprezinta o functionare anormala a ovarului. Chistul ovarian este destul de des intalnit, mai ales la femeile care au ciclu menstrual ovulatoriu. Aparitia acestor chisturi este direct legata de procesul de ovulatie. De aceea aparitia acestor chisturi la fetele care nu au avut ciclu menstrual, sau la femeile care au trecut de perioada de menopauza si nu au ciclu menstrual, reprezinta un serios semnal de alarma, fiindca acestea pot avea caracter malign.
Un ovar contine numeroase ovule (intre 150.000 si 250.000) dar lunar se matureaza numai unul. Cavitatea in care un ovul se dezvolta se numeste folicul. In perioada de ovulatie acest folicul ovarian va elibera ovocitul spre a-si urma drumul catre trompe si fecundare. Daca nu are loc ovulatia, ciclul de dezvoltare este suspendat. Foliculul ovarian trebuie inteles ca parte a ciclului menstrual dar si ca rezultat al acestui ciclu. Foliculul ovarian este un produs.
Ciclul menstrual se afla sub comanda si control hormonal. Sunt implicati mai multi hormoni ce se influenteaza direct. Hipotalamusul secreta un neurohormon LH - RH. Acest hormon stimuleaza glanda hipofiza care secreta, la randul ei, doi hormoni FSH si LH ce ajung la nivelul ovarelor prin circulatia sanguina. FSH influenteaza maturatia folicului ovarian si regleaza concentratia de estrogeni (estrogen - hormon ovarian) secretati de catre ovar. LH provoaca ruptura folicului ovarian si astfel provoaca eliberarea ovocitului - ovulatia. El declanseaza cresterea secretei de progesteron (progesteron - hormon ovarian) de catre corpul galben aparut prin transformarea folicului ovarian.
Un raspuns gresit la impulsurile de la nivelul hipotalamusului si hipofizei duca la o "functionare" anormala a folicului ovarian. El, in loc sa elibereze ovocitul, continua sa creasca si sa-si umple cavitatea cu lichid. Cresterea anormala a acestui folicul ce nu a eliberat ovocitul il transforma intr-un chist. Chistul ovarian se poate dezvolta si dupa ovulatie la nivelul corpului galben ce se formeaza in urma eliberarii ovocitului. Chistul ovarian nu este "altceva", este un folicul ovarian care se deyvolta anormal, haotic.
Acest tip de chist ovariarian se numeste chist functional. In mod normal chisturile functionale se resorb in timp, fara interventie. O metoda de a "trata" aceste chisturi este administrarea de pilule contraceptive ceea ce duce la oprirea ovulatiei si de aici la oprirea aparitiei foliculilor ovarieni care s-ar putea transforma in chisturi. Este o "pauza" pe care o ia ovarul, o perioada de odihna. In acest timp chisturile trebuie sa involueze pana la a dispare total, fara a lasa urme. Dar daca aceste chisturi devin mari, daca incep sa provoace dureri sau alte neplaceri, se poate ajunge la interventie chirurgicala.
Manifestarile chistului ovarian constau in dureri - din cauza presiunii asupra organelor din apropiere, dereglari ale ciclului menstrual (intarzieri ale menstruatiei care asociate cu febra, greata si varsaturile pot da o impreie falsa, de sarcina), sangerari anormale sau chiar amenoree - din cauza dezechilibrului secretiei de hormoni, probleme de urinare - din cauza presiunii pe care o poate exercita asupra vezicii urinare sau tractului urinar, durere in timpul actului sexual.
Modul de diagnosticare este examenul ginecologic sau ecografia. Ecografia da posibilitatea stabilirii mai exacte a structurii, dimensiunii si localizarii chistului dar, cel mai important, poate face diferenta intre un chist benign si unul malign.
Chisturile apar ca raspuns gresit la stimulii de tip hormonal, incepand cu cei ai sistemului nervos central ... creierul. Chisturile ovariene sunt caracteristice femeilor emotive, cu hipotalamusul foarte sensibil la perturbatii psihice.

vineri, 17 octombrie 2008


vineri, 19 septembrie 2008



de cand m-am facut vegetarian , mi-am facut o multime de prieteni...

tablou de familie - sau :aschia nu sare departe de trunchi

vechi instrument de tortura

marți, 16 septembrie 2008

In Memoriam Ilarion Ciobanu - Romanian Actor Romania

Ultimul Cartus -


Folclor rusesc cu Stefan Iordache

cel mai iubit dintre....pamanteni

ma intreb spre ce ne indreptam...
mai trec doua nume pe raboj
stefan iordache...stins ieri...
si ilarion ciobanu...
Într-un interviu acordat la 22 iulie 2008 "Jurnalului Naţional", Ştefan Iordache a declarat că nu vrea să se mai implice în societate, că acordă pentru ultima dată un interviu şi că ce se întâmplă acum în România nu mai poate fi caracterizat nici de sensul peiorativ al ideii de telenovelă. "Este ultima mea apariţie în public, în afara scenei, acolo unde bate inima mea", a mai spus actorul. "Nu mai vreau să trăncănesc, la ce foloseşte? Sînt mîhnit. Nici vehement şi nici supărat. Mâhnit. Vorbim cu toţii în vînt, pentru că nimic nu se schimbă", a continuat Ştefan Iordache.

vineri, 5 septembrie 2008

Marea fara apa-Sahara
Vezi mai multe video Diverse »

luni, 1 septembrie 2008


Primarul si localnicii din Bailesti au inaugurat, ieri, Casa memoriala 'Amza Pellea'

duminică, 24 august 2008

Claudio Baglioni - Con tutto l'amore che posso

Claudio Baglioni - A Modo Mio


Claudio Baglioni Sanremo 1985 Questo Piccolo Grande Amor

mi fa morire questa canzone sempre

Laura Pausini-Strani Amori

Gheorghe Gheorghiu - Aveai doar 16 ani

Un tramvai denumit Israel

Un tramvai denumit Israel circula de marti prin centrul vechi al Vienei pentru a face cunoscut austriecilor statul evreu, conform un proiect al ambasadei Israelului in Austria.

"Este un mod original de a oferi informatii despre tara noastra, elementele culturale, stiintifice, viata nocturna si atractiile plajelor noastre", a subliniat Guy Feldman, coordonatorul acestui proiect, citat de AFP.

Doua vagoane ale unui tramvai traditional circula timp de o ora si jumatate, in zilele de marti, vineri si duminica, pornind de la Opera din Viena si trecand prin alte trei statii de pe celebrul bulevard Ring.

Accesul este gratuit la fel ca si degustarea falafelei, vinurilor israeliene si a altor specialitati culinare. Acestea sunt insotite de filme si fotografii din Israel.

Proiectul va dura pana in ianuarie, iar din septembrie va include expozitii si seri muzicale dansante.


vineri, 22 august 2008


ieri am vorbit la telefon cu cineva care locuieste in santa maria , insula sol...ce mare e , totusi, lumea... si noi cat de limitati de multe constrangeri si piedici... materiale si de conceptii avem


prietenul meu...

sâmbătă, 16 august 2008

marți, 12 august 2008

fara cuvinte

nu este un protest la adresa ICR-ului ci impotriva unui individ care a luat-o razna ca un cal naravas...
am scris asta pe
Un om care sustine ca avem o cultura "second hand" a fost numit director al Institutul Cultural Roman.

petitia pentru demiterea lui HRP o puteti gasi aici:

faptul ca patapievici a permis organizarea unei asemenea orori din banii publici spune multe despre incapacitatea lui de a gestiona acesti bani in mod onorabil si in numele poporului roman.. atunci cand esti ambasadorul cultural al romaniei in lume nu iti poti permite asemenea gafe... expozitia are vadit mesaj antisemit, nu e o simpla intamplare folosirea tuturor simbolurilor iudaice ci o mizera refulare in plan pretins artistic si in numele libertatii de expresie...
ne intoarcem mereu in acelasi punct si constatam ca nu se invata niciodata lectia libertatii: ce spune constitutia tarii? repet pana cand am sa fiu inteleasa:
ARTICOLUL 30 Libertatea de exprimare(6) Libertatea de exprimare nu poate prejudicia demnitatea, onoarea, viaţa particulară a persoanei şi nici dreptul la propria imagine.(7) Sunt interzise de lege defăimarea ţării şi a naţiunii, îndemnul la război de agresiune, la ură naţională, rasială, de clasă sau religioasă, incitarea la discriminare, la separatism teritorial sau la violenţă publică, precum şi manifestările obscene, contrare bunelor moravuri.

expozitia este o rusine, banii publici au fost cheltuiti in detrimentul imaginii unei romanii tolerante si patapievici nu trebuie lasat sa continue in acelasi siguranta ca sunt in romania destule persoane competente care pot sa conduca institutia cu onoare si competenta
as spune mult mai multe, dar am prieteni la icr si mi-e jena de jena lor

care este raspunsul lui HRP?
Rl online
Joi, 07 August 2008
"Presedintele Institutului Cultural Roman, Horia-Roman Patapievici, a caracterizat scandalul generat de expozitia "Freedom for Lazy People", vernisata de ICR la New York, drept o "mistificare de proportii". El sustine ca "nu exista nicio o baza pentru acuzatiile de sexism, nazism sau antisemitism".

Reactia lui Patapievici vine dupa ce o publicatie romaneasca din New York a publicat un articol cu titlul "Zvastica si sex in vitrina ICR-New York!". Exponatul care l-a scandalizat cel mai mult pe autorul articolului a fost "o jucarie, un calut care - atentie! - in portiunea dorsala, pe pulpa spate, are pusa o zvastica germana". In urma acestui articol, Nicolae Vacaroiu a solicitat Comisiei de cultura a Senatului, condusa de Adrian Paunescu, sa demareze o ancheta privind activitatea ICR, anunta Hotnews.
"Nu poti sa spui 'expozitia asta este nasoala pentru ca nu imi place mie', si atunci spui ca 'expozitia e nasoala pentru ca e nazista, antisemita si sexista", a comentat Patapievici, intr-o conferinta de presa.
El a demontat acuzatiile aduse, intrebandu-se ce s-ar fi intamplat daca respectivul ponei ar fi fost expus in anii '30 in Germania nazista. "Credeti ca al treilea reich v-ar fi trimis zdup sau v-ar fi laudat in academia nazista? Va asigur ca nu v-ar fi laudat nimeni!"

Patapievici: Suntem in zona patologicului

In ceea ce priveste o alta pictura ca a starnit acuzatii si comentariile unor critici, care au afirmat ca lucrarea sugereaza, de fapt, ca "Moise ii spune lui David ca vor sa faca sex", Horia-Roman Patapievici a afirmat ca deja "suntem in zona patologicului, nu are legatura nimic cu nimic".
El s-a intrebat ce rost mai are analiza activitatii Institutului, in conditiile in care seful Comisiei s-a antepronuntat, declarand ca "trebuie, in fine, ca acest ICR sa fie supus oprobiului public".

Comisia sustine ca va verifica modul in care ICR cheltuieste banii publici

Andrei Alexandru, purtatorul de cuvant al presedintelui Senatului, a sustinut ca, prin acest control, se va verifica daca ICR isi respecta statutul definit prin lege si modul in care sunt cheltuiti banii publici.
El a invocat o serie de semnale din presa, dar si de la Curtea de Conturi, care au aratat ca "banii publici nu sunt cheltuiti asa de ortodox". "In niciun fel nu dorim sa intram pe terenul minat al criticii artisitice, ci sa vadem daca acest institut cheltuieste banii legal", a spus Alexandru.

NYPD: Expozitia nu incalca legile americane

Pentru expozitia "Freedom for Lazy People", ICR a invitat, in premiera curatoriala (fiind primul institut cultural european care face o expozitie de street art in SUA), trei street artisti romani - Nuclear Fairy, IRLO si Omar, care au realizat, in tara, lucrari pe peretii marilor orase, dar si in spatii precum librariile Carturesti din Bucuresti si Cluj, terasa Teatrului National din Bucuresti, calcanul de pe strada Arthur Verona sau skate park-ul din Herastrau, printre altele, noteaza NewsIn.
Expozitia a fost sustinuta de cea mai puternica comunitate online din zona de street art, Wooster Collective, iar cei trei artisti au fost invitati apoi de scenografa Marina Draghici si de regizorul-coregraf Bill T. Jones (laureat al Tony Award si un nume de referinta pe Broadway) sa picteze sala teatrului 37 Arts din New York, unde va avea loc, la inceputul lunii august, premiera spectacolului dedicat legendei muzicii africane Fela Kuti.
Pe langa criticile din New York Magazin, un alt membru al diasporei, Robert Horvath, a sesizat politia privind caracterul antisemit, obscen si ilegal al expozitiei organizate de ICR New York. Cei patru ofiteri ai NYPD, care au vizitat galeria pe 25 iulie, au ajuns la concluzia ca sesizarea fusese o alarma falsa si ca expozitia nu incalca legile americane si nici nu contine imagini ofensatoare.
Pe 30 iulie, aceeasi revista publica editorialul lui Grigore L. Culian, sub titlul "Clanul Patapievici, Suteu si Nea... Goe", care reia atacurile la adresa expozitiei si a echipei ICRNY."


Si ceea ce am citit zilele trecute in presa electronica referitor la asa-zisa scriere eseistica a acestui personaj care se dovedeste numai un simplu individ imatur si plin de emfaza, enervant si prolix, care ne ia peste picior in termeni pomposi de parca e singurul care s-a dus la scoala si stapaneste proprietatea termenilor si conceptele exagerand in folosirea sofismelor ieftine si in orientare neo-liberala extrema, anti-romaneasca, intoleranta fond, constat ca scrie ca un "baiat de baiat", folosind un argou pe care cu greu hartia il rabda si care il descrie ca fiind un simplu "pseudo" si atat...


Trebuie sa-si ceara scuze de la poporul roman, sa fie pus undeva unde banii publici nu mai sunt la dispozitia lui iresponsabila si sa i se impute public daunele materiale si morale...
Eu am semnat petitia, continuati lista si voi daca va simtiti responsabili, implicati si... romani!!!

am scos de pe net extrase din cartea lui scoasa la Humanitas in 1996, "Politice"

Pagina 63: "Privit la raze X, trupul poporului roman abia daca este o umbra, el nu are cheag, radiografia plaiului romanesc este ca a fecalei: o umbra fara schelet, o inima ca un cur, fara sira spinarii. Toata istoria, mereu, peste noi a urinat cine a vrut. Cind i-a lasat romanii pe daci in formula hibrida straromaneasca., ne-a luat la urina slavii, se cheama ca ne-au plamadit din aceiasi clisa, daco-romano-slavi, ma rog. Apoi ne-au urinat la gard turcii: era sa ne inecam , asa de temeinic au facut-o. Demnitatea noastra consta in a ridica mereu gura zvintata, iar ei reincepeau: ne zvintam gura la Calugareni, ne-o umpleau iar la Razboieni, si asa mai departe, la nesfirsit. Apoi ne-au luat la urina rusii, care timp de un secol si-au incrucisat jetul cu turcii, pe care in cele din urma, avind basica udului mai mare ( de betiile....) , i-au dovedit. Noi ne-am zvintat putin inainte de 1866 si 1940, cu intermitente, apoi ne-au luat iar, insa acum, inovatie, au inceput sa urineze si unii romani peste romani. Valea Plingerii a fost transformata de romani pentru romani, intr-o vale a urinei corosive. Care era mai smecher se suia in capul vecinului si-l pisa. Si cum toti romanii e destepti, urinarea a fost, din, noul nostru pasopt incoa, generala. O suta de ani, atit a durat Romania in spirit. In rest, valuri si valuri de urina.

Pagina 23: "Sunt bolnav de Romania asa cum cancerosii sunt incurabili de cancerul lor: aproape incontinuu imi e rusine ca sunt roman..."

Pagina 34: "Suntem un popor cu substanta ratata. Oriunde te uiti vezi fete patibulare, ochi mohoriti, maxilare incrincenate, guri vulgare, trasaturi rudimentare, o vorbire agramata si bolovanoasa. Moralmente, tonul general este dat de lasitate si ticalosie, de vanitate si egoism meschin, de inertie joasa si delatiune lipsita de remuscari, de inginfare si birfa....Un neam flecar si lipsit de Dumnezeu... Un astfel de popor urgisit nu prin soarta ci prin mediocritatea sa, ce semn mai poate astepta, decit poate semnul infamant a lui Iuda.

Pagina 46: " Imi e rusine ca sunt roman... aceasta masa degenerata, inginfata, proasta, si rea, care profaneaza, in nemasurata-i nerusinare, tot ce atinge, in limba-i clevetitoare.

Pagina 47: Letarigia gnostica a materiei din care romanii sunt facuti... ce este aceea <> e mai degraba tenebroasa... e o intrebare la care se raspunde prin violenta, ura, si suturi in cur..."

Pagina 49: " Puturosenia abisala a statutului nostru suflet romanesc... spirocheta romaneasca isi urmeaza cursul pina la eruptia tertiara, subreptice,(?) tropaind vesel intr-un trup inconstient, pina ce mintea va fi in sfirsit scobita: inima devine piftie iar creerul un amestec apos."

Pagina 54: Romanii, sunt una cu cancerul care-i roade. Chirurgia este neputincioasa".

Pagina 55: " Pina azi, noi tropaim voiosi in jurul pestilentiei noastre, care - condamnare sigura - nu ne pute. NU NE PUTE... Asemeni adevaratilor damnati, romanii urasc tot ce i-ar putea reinvia..."

Pagina 56: Cu-o educatie pur romaneasca nu poti face NIMIC. E ca un madular bine crescut, dar caruia ii lipseste nervul. Si cum impotenta nu te vindeca de fantasme, dintre neputinciosi e cel mai buvaric(?)... Ce e poporul roman daca e sa renuntam la romanii detestabili ? O fictiune de biblioteca, ceva anaerob, o mincare sintetica..."

Pagina 64: " Romanii nu pot alcatui un popor pentru ca valoreaza cit o turma: dupa gramada, la semnul fierului rosu..."

Pagina 69: "Trebuie sa ne smulgem din viata noastra de minciuni care este Romania. Romana este o limba in care trebuie sa incetam sa mai vorbim, sau... sa o folosim numai pentru injuraturi...."

Pagina 72: "Romanii - un popor care traieste fara speranta, numai din disperari orizontale..."

Pagina 74: Stefan cel Mare - pe care melodrama nationala, in ciuda nenumaratelor curvii si ucideri, l-a declarat <>..."

Pagina 75: "Originalitatea politica a lui Mihai Viteazul, poate fi inventia retrospectiva a lui Balcescu..."

luni, 11 august 2008


Pentru a face fata lipsei acute de apa ce se simte in toata tara si a reduce consumul -de la 1 septembrie se va scumpi apa cu 90%.
e ca si cum ti-ar da cu o bata in frunte...
si asa nu mai folosesc optiunea de limpezire dubla la masina de spalat, si asa nu mai fac baie ci numai dus, si asa apa e de toata jena si e plina de nisip si de oua de gandaci... acum o mai si scumpesc la 7.65... pai costa sanbenedetto la 1 litru jumate mai ieftin... o sa ma spal sui pe dinti cu apa minerala...asta da lux

Un metru cub va costa 7.65 sekeli in loc de 4 sekeli azi.
Aceasta scumpire va aduce desigur un alt val de scumpiri ale produselor si servicilor ce folosesc apa.


Les douchettes traditionnelles ont un débit moyen compris entre 12 et 40 L/min. Il s’agit donc de matériels très gourmands en eau : une douche de 5 minutes consomme donc entre 60 et 200 litres d’eau. Ces matériels ne possèdent aucun économiseur d’eau.
Il est donc évident que les douchettes économiques, que l’on appelle matériels hydro-économes, peuvent avoir un impact immédiat sur la consommation d’eau.
La douchette économiques EcoXygen fonctionne sur le principe « Venturi » : l’eau traversant la douchette (dotée d’orifices permettant une prise d’air) crée une dépression au niveau des orifices permettant une injection d’air. Il n’y a aucune perte de débit puisque l’air « prend la place » de l’eau. Ce procédé permet d’économiser jusqu’à 75% d’eau tout en gardant une sensation et un confort identiques.
La douchette EcoXygen est également dotée d’un accélérateur à 3 ailettes augmentant la vitesse d’entrée de l’eau et d’agissant comme une turbine. Elle procure donc un effet SPA particulièrement tonique.
L 'utilisation de l'effet venturi avec 16 arrivées d'air au niveau de la sortie de la douchette permet de créer un déficit d'eau qui est très efficacement remplacé par le mélange EAU - AIR.
Pas de perte de confort , jet ultra puissant et agréable.
100 % Confort
Revêtement intérieur ANTI - CALCAIRE , réalisé à base de DELRIN de chez
Caractéristiques :
Douchette économique à effet Venturi
16 arrivées d’air
Jet ultra puissant
Matériaux anti calcaire
Consommation : 6.5 L/min*
Jusqu’à 83% d’eau économisée**
Grand confort du jet
* Débit moyen constaté à 3 bars de pression
** Economie calculée en remplaçant une douchette délivrant 40 L par une douchette EcoXygen
Garantie 2 ans
Garantie 5 ans pour le mécanisme

joi, 7 august 2008

Camere de luat vederi, la examene

eu de cand am tot zis ca asta e solutia... acum parca au descoperit o insula in propria chiuveta din bucatarie...
ce atata tevatura... am copiat, n-am copiat, l-am lasat sa copieze , nu l-am lasat, am luat bani, n-am luat bani...
un sistem de camere video, cu circuit inchis in scoala.... asa nu se mai bat si nu se mai clasa cum le vine pe chelie... iar la examene orice miscare fac apare pe caseta.... ce vrei mai curat de atat?

Camere de luat vederi, la examene
Inspectoratul Scolar al Municipiului Bucuresti propune achizitionarea, pentru anul scolar 2008-2009, de sisteme de supraveghere video pentru toate liceele in care se va organiza examenul de Bacalaureat, a declarat recent, pentru Agerpres, inspectorul general Stelian Fedorca. Potrivit acestuia, Consiliul de Administratie al ISMB a hotarat ca a doua sesiune a examenului de Bacalaureat din acest an sa se desfasoare, in Bucuresti, in unitati de invatamant in care exista sisteme de supraveghere video in clase, pe holuri si la intrare. Fedorca a precizat ca in Bucuresti exista suficiente licee care dispun de camere video. A doua sesiune a examenului de Bacalaureat din acest an este programata intre 18 august si 1 septembrie.

cronica romana
Un biciclist pedala de zor pe coasta Californiei, cand cerul se intuneca subit si auzi o voce bubuitoare : "Deoarece ai INCERCAT sa-mi fi credincios in toate cele, iti voi acorda o dorinta, caci eu sunt Dumnezeul tau!" Se opreste si spune : "Fa-mi un pod pana in Hawaii ca sa pot merge acolo cu bicicleta cand am chef." Dumnezeu: "Se poate face, dar nu pot justifica dorintele tale lumesti, mai bine gandeste-te putin si cere-mi ceva care sa-mi aduca si mie glorie eterna, si tie satisfactie spirituala!" Se gandeste biciclistul indelung si intr-un sfarsit spune: "Doamne, as vrea sa inteleg femeile. Vreau sa stiu ce simt ele cu adevarat, vreau sa stiu cum sa fac o femeie cu adevarat fericita.".. .Dupa o tacere indelungata, Dumnezeu raspunde: " Vrei podul cu 2 sau 4 benzi?
primita pe mess de la nelu

miercuri, 6 august 2008

ISLAMIC MAP FOR PEACE- a point of view

(c)2003 Mel Alexenberg
(Mel Alexenberg is former Professor of Art and Education at Columbia University and Research Fellow at MIT's Center for Advanced Visual Studies.

June 12, 2003

The Road Map to Peace in the Middle East is too small. It needs to be enlarged to include the entire Islamic world surrounding the State of Israel.

The major obstacle to peace between Israelis and Palestinians is the Islamic world's rejection of Israel as a Jewish state. The 55-year-old State of Israel still does not exist on maps produced in Islamic countries.

President Bush's attempt at peace making at Sharm el-Sheikh was rejected by Arab leaders who refused to accept Israel's right to exist. The next day in Aqaba, these leaders were incensed when the U.S. President publicly declared America's commitment to Israel as "a vibrant Jewish state." The Arab leaders' anti-Semitic incitement of the Arab street was confirmed by the Pew Global Attitudes Project released the same day as the Aqaba summit where no Israeli flag was allowed to fly. The Pew research found that the large majority of Arabs agreed with the statement: "The rights and needs of the Palestinian people cannot be taken care of as long as the State of Israel exists." According to the survey, 80% of Palestinians and 90% of Moroccans support the extermination of the Jewish state.

All road maps to peace in the Middle East will come to a dead end until the sovereign State of Israel is included on Arab world maps.

This obstacle to peace can be overcome, however, by drawing a new Islamic map derived from Islamic art and thought. The Arab conflict with Israel is an aesthetic problem that calls for a shift in perception. Historian of Islamic art, Elisabeth Siddiqui, writes in the Arabic Al-Madrashah Al-Ula, that art is the mirror of a culture and its worldview. She emphasizes that there is no case to which this statement more directly applies than to the art of the Islamic world. "Not only does its art reflect its cultural values, but even more importantly, the way in which its adherents, the Muslims, view the spiritual realm, the universe, life, and the relationships of the parts to the whole."

Islamic art teaches Arabs to see their world as a continuous geometric pattern that extends across North Africa and the Middle East. They see Israel as a blemish that disrupts the pattern. It is viewed as an alien presence that they have continually tried to eliminate through war, terrorism, and political action. Palestinian Authority television labels Israel as a "cancer in the body of the Arab nation." Its emblems, publications, and web sites show the map of Israel labeled Palestine. Israel does not exist. Former Iranian president Rafsanjani expressed his longing for a day when an Islamic nuclear weapon could remove the "extraneous matter" called Israel from the midst of the Islamic world.

A perceptual shift that can lead to a genuine peace can be found in Islamic art and thought. In Islamic art, a uniform geometric pattern is purposely disrupted by the introduction of a counter-pattern that demonstrates that human creation is less than perfect. Only Allah creates perfection. Rug weavers from Islamic lands intentionally weave a patch of dissimilar pattern to break the symmetry of their rugs. Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi, Iman of the Italian Muslim community who holds a Ph.D. in Islamic Sciences by decree of the Saudi Grand Mufti, writes, "The idea of underlying the Divine infinitude and the human fallacy by including some 'voluntary defects' in works of art is common in Islamic art, and extends to tapestry, painting, music, architecture, etc."

Israel can be drawn on Islamic maps as a small patch of blue and white on a large green rug running from the Atlantic Ocean to the borders of India. If the contiguous Islamic world from Morocco to Pakistan were the size of a football field, Israel would be a football placed in the middle of the field.

Sheikh Palazzi quotes from the Koran, Sura 5:22-23, to support the Arab world's need to switch their viewpoint to recognize the sovereign right of the Jews over the Land of Israel as the will of Allah: "Remember when Moses said to his people: 'O my people, call in remembrance the favor of God unto you, when he produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave to you what He had not given to any other among the people. O my people, enter the Holy Land which God has assigned unto you, and then turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.'"

Islam's holiest book confirms what every Jew and Christian who honors the Bible knows: The Land of Israel was divinely deeded to the People of Israel alone.

Peace will come from a fresh metaphor in which the Arabs see Israel's existence as Allah's will. A shift in viewpoint where Israel is perceived as the necessary counter-pattern in the overall pattern of the Islamic world will usher in an era of peace. The Islamic world needs to recognize Israel as the realization of its own values. Only after it draws new maps that include Israel can peace be achieved.


A Matrix of Meaning:Level III – Outer/Physical

Level III – Outer/Physical

A Matrix of Meaning:
Portraits of the Hebrew Letters, in Pictures and Words
©1996 Stan Tenen

Qof is our outer, "mechanical", or Monkey Consciousness. It is the shell or physical COPy of our inner (YOD) consciousness. (When we "ape", we COPy.) That is why QOF means Monkey, COPy or Skull.

Resh, as the outer part of BeT, represents the outer REaCHing of BeT. If KaF is what is in the Palm of the Hand, then ReSh is what Radiates from the Head. That is why ReSh means Head, REaCHing, RuShing and Radiation.
TogetherBuKeR means "first born son". These letters BReaK (– "bend the knee", bless) open Unity and signify the birth of distinction at each of their levels.

Shin, as outer Action, represents the ShINing of the candle flame as it spreads out in ever expanding shells of radiant energy, light, and learning, from its Source. ShIN is also the outer Vessel that holds the Flame. As such its three "heads" define the shape of a Tetrahedron – which, as the most compact symmetrical 3-D form, represents an idealized Tooth, Notch, or Step. Since every Tetrahedron defines a complete sphere-cycle, it can also represent a year (ShaNaH). BeT makes distinctions, ShIN, its AT-BaSH twin, represents distinctions. That is why ShIN means Tooth, Notch, and Step. As a tooth, ShIN represents a "toothy grin" which ShINes out.

Taf denotes external division and self-reference. ToF marks itself externally. It represents a Sign of itself, out of itself, or in itself. When we scratch marks on a ruler we are using ToF. That is why ToF is called a Sign or a Mark.
Together tmd designates the repeated divisions that we use for Measurement.Dividing From Itself . (The M-D root designates measurement.)

Kaf-final connects the outside to us. KaF gathers and holds external things to us. That is why KaF final, at the end of a word, represents Holding and Possession.
Together KoHeN is a Priest connecting heaven & earth.KaNaH ("CaNE"; also), represents a plant’s shoot which connects (and is in the line of succession of) the seed with the rest of the plant.

MeM final is external Unfoldment into the Expanse. Mem final represents a spreading and unfolding sea of hierarchy; it spreads and unfolds into the Expanse. That is why – ElokIM does NOT represent multiple Gods, but rather God’s connection to the Expanse (or – sea) of life—God understood in the aspect of ALL () – There – Is.
Togetheris SOMa, "blind-ness, occult, and poison" () to the materialistic; a mind-Expanding drug, or even a MUSe – to the spiritually advanced.

NUN final is Projection out to the Nth degree indicating an idea or action that goes to Infinity. It connects outwardly and endlessly as an open-ended connection with the infinite; it goes on & on & on.
Together(G-O-N- = gone, go-on) represents all types of GAIN; they all GO-ON-OUT;(O-G-N-) designates an osprey or other bird of prey; denotes anger or rage, which also go-on-out (as the – G, meaning axe, spear, arrow, weapon or GuN, indicates).

Peh final fills the outside – Peh final Puffs up and Fills. Peh final is like Peh, except instead of Puffing inward, Peh final Puffs out.
TogetherH-Ph-Ph (to cover or protect) HuFFs and PuFFs.

TZaDI final represents the tallest in the physical world. tZaDI is EhtZ , a Tree, the STurDY. For us it is STuDY.
Together is the full Blossom or Flower– tZitZ of JuSTiCe (J, ST, C).

A Matrix of Meaning:Internal / Spiritual


Level II – Internal / Spiritual

A Matrix of Meaning:
Portraits of the Hebrew Letters, in Pictures and Words
©1996 Stan Tenen

Our personal individual consciousness is represented by the human Hand, YaD which projects our personal consciousness into the physical world. The YOD is the "seed" (and YOD is therefore also associated with the male organ and with semen) and it is a point (Iota, in Greek).

It is the point of consciousness, and as our Hand, YAD, it is our personal Pointer – pointing to us. YOD is an expression of our being (the psychologist’s Id). That is why YOD (or YaD) means Consciousness, Hand or Point/Pointer.

Kaf, as the inner aspect of BeT, represents holding in, as in CuPPing in the Palm of the Hand. CuPPing shapes the Palm like that which it holds. That is why KaF means Palm and why as a prefix it designates Likeness and Similarity.

Lamed, as inner Action, represents Abstr-Action. AbstrAction is an action, from all directions, that brings concepts TO (or FOR) a common center. As inner Action, LaMeD is like a Flame (Lah) that draws in fresh air from all around the base of the candle that supports it. That is why LaMeD designates Learning (to learn), and as a prefix it means To or For.

Mem designates division From an Inner Source. MeM is the womb of the mother that produces new life. Mem is the ocean (YaM, the sea, and the waters (from the womb) in which new life divides and spreads. That is why MeM means Mother and Water and as a prefix, from, source of or out of.

Nun connects concepts internally. NUN is a Neck or Nexus; it connects AM (the morning) with PM (the afternoon) at NOON (the mid-point of the day). NUN also connects within a line of succession. That is why NUN means Prince. NUN is also the internal connector in the middle of the alphabet, it is aswim in the sea of letters, so NUN can also mean Fish.

SaMeK is a SMoKe-ring, the Torus, that maintains Continuous Creation. SaMeK is also S’MiKha—the laying on of hands that ordains a religious leader. That is the sense in which SaMeK is understood as a Prop or as Sustenance.

AYiN is Inner Projection. AYiN goes to or comes from deep inside. AYiN is circular like an ONIoN, whose depth is in its encircling layers. That is why AYiN means Eye or Well.

Peh encompasses inwardly – Peh Swallows and is Full. That is why Peh means Mouth (or Face), Swallow, or Eat.

Tzadi represents the highest spiritual Completion. ZaDI is like the Zaddik, the righteous one who has his head in spiritual heaven among the stars of the ZoDIac. That is why Zadi denotes Righteousness, the highest and the best.

A Matrix of Meaning:daleth,heh,vav,zain,chet, tet

A Matrix of Meaning:
Portraits of the Hebrew Letters, in Pictures and Words
©1996 Stan Tenen

Level I – Archetype - last 6 letters

Dalet reflects Division. It Opens ALePh repeatedly and causes the continued action of GiMeL on BeT to make, and Disperse many from One. DaLeT is divided (– D) for (– L) itself (-T). DaLeT, like the Greek DeLTa, allows what happens at a Delta: The river DiLaTes & DiLuTes as it Divides down to, and Dispenses itself into the sea. It Pours out into an Open DeLTa as a Poor man (DaL means poor, alluding to the bent over shape of the DaLeT) Divides, DiLuTes and Dissipates his energies. This is why DaLeT designates an Open Door.

DaLeT Disperses its Dispensation into the connecting Hand of Heh. It is at the top "event horizon" of the APPLe.


After the Diversity of DaLeT, Heh Interfaces between the parts of ALePh that DaLeT Dispersed by repetition of GiMeL’s Action and BeT’s Distinction. As the Interface (– E) Archetype (– A), Heh Frames the outer and the inner together. Heh inter-connects, mediates, heals, and re-Wholes. Heh refers to the thumb and the surrounding fingers of our Hand which Connects our conscious will to the physical world. Heh brings mind and matter, flame and vessel, wave and particle together; it is an abbreviation for HaShem, meaning "The Name" a stand-in phrase for God's Name. Heh is the Interface that provides a Framework for Connection. That is why Heh means Window and why, as a prefix, Heh means tHe. Heh encompasses the Earth-Plane (the outer, dispensed, part of the Heh) and the Primal Point (the inner, conscious, part of the Heh). It is the equatorial plane that window-frames and connects the center and the equator (just as with thumb and fingers) of the APPLe of Continuous Creation.


VaV, Multiplication, paired with DaLeT, Division, naturally denotes Rotation, Vibration, and Unfoldment. As rotation, VaV is the axis or the spine (or spin) around the axis. As Vibration, VaV is the FiFe or Flute (a source of Vibration-sound, and is modeled by the unit tetrahelical column with 33-tetrahedra paralleling the 33-vertebrae of the human spine). As Unfoldment, VaV is doing and doing and doing, each cycle following on the previous cycle. That is why VaV means Pin, Spine, and And. VaV is located between the Heh and the ZaYiN.


ZaYiN, Projection, paired with GiMeL, Action (within the limits of the "oases"), naturally denotes extended Action (beyond limits) like a sprout (– GRO, meaning "grow") that erupts or is thrown or ejected like a seed. That is why ZaYiN means Spear, Weapon or Arrow. ZaYiN is located opposite GiMeL as the World Mountain climbs back to the source at the center of Continuous Creation.


CHeT, Encompassment, paired with BeT, Distinction, naturally surrounds and covers distinctions. It is the "skin" of Life and an encompassing HuT/HaT. That is why cHeT represents a Fenced Field, the Perimeter of the Field, or its Surface. CHeT is the Perimeter of the Earth-Plane that Encompasses and surrounds the "seed" at the center of the idealized APPLe of Creation.


TeT, Completion, Wholeness and Bonding, paired with ALePh, Unity, naturally provides nourishment as the meat of the new fruit and the TeaT providing milk to the new child. TeT is the JeT at the Tip of the World Mountain. It is the sum ToTal of all the letters that came before. TeT Binds a mother to her child ("TEaT") and it re-Binds what Bet (distinction) first broke apart from Aleph’s Unity.
It is because TeT Binds and Bonds TIghT together, that, as a "constricter", TeT traditionally means Snake or Serpent. TeT is at the Top of the World Mountain, coincident with the new seed, but of the next generation.
In traditional Kabbalistic terms for the Sefirot, this is Malkut of the Archetypal level in Keter of the Spiritual level.

A Matrix of Meaning:ghimel

A Matrix of Meaning:
Portraits of the Hebrew Letters, in Pictures and Words
©1996 Stan Tenen


Gimel carries what is within the House of BeT to what is outside the House. GiMeL comes and goes (– C) from (– M) and to (– L). GiMeL travels BeTween the poles of BeT. That is why GiMeL means Camel – the Camel is the carrier, the energy, that Comes and Goes From one oasis To another in the desert.

GiMeL extends as a wave-like sprout from the Primal Point. GiMeL’s action Births the Yin/Yang BeT, the "first born son", , into DaLeT. GiMeL is identified with the Flame moving upward from the Primal Point at the center of the APPLe of Continuous Creation.

A Matrix of Meaning: bet

A Matrix of Meaning:
Portraits of the Hebrew Letters, in Pictures and Words
©1996 Stan Tenen


Bet partitions the Unity and Wholeness of ALePh. ALePh by itself is One. There is no opposition or polarity and no need for action or change. BeT is distinction (– B) pointing (– I) in itself (– T). BeT partitions ALePh. BeT, as the first possible distinction, distinguishes what is within from what is without. From BeT on there is difference, complement, counterpoint, and contrast. There is spirit and matter, flame and coal, wave and particle. BeT is a BIT, it takes a BYTe, it parts ALePh in two (Tween). BeT forms a BooTh BeTween BoTh. That is why BeT, two and duality, is a House. As a prefix BeT means In or With.

BeT is the Yin/Yang Bifurcation within the Primal Point, the Dew-drop of Manna BREAKING OUT from the tip of the Great Flame. BeT is the Primal Point, the APPLe seed, Breaking open.

duminică, 3 august 2008


Cum se iau produsele gemoterapice?

Produsul gemoterapic este confectionat din tesuturile embrionare ale vegetalelor in stare perfect proaspata. De cand sunt recoltati, mugurii sunt pusi la macerat intr-un amestec de alcool si glicerina unde raman timp de 3 saptamani inainte sa fie filtrati. Se face apoi dilutia si produsul este gata. Forma finala este lichida, in flacon de sticla farmaceutica.

Produsele gemoterapice se iau de obicei in cantitate de 50-75 de picaturi pe zi, insa nu se amesteca picaturile intre ele si nici nu se iau in acelasi timp in cazul in care au fost prescrise mai multe tipuri. Un tratament complet dureaza 1-3 luni. Picaturile pot fi puse intr-un pahar mic cu apa.

Cateva indicatii

Acnee: platan, ulm, nuc

Alergii: fag, rozmarin, mesteacan pufos, ulm (eczema atopica), calin (astm)

Artroza: pin, agris, vita de vie

Arsuri la stomac: ficus

Bronsita cronica: agris, carpen, nuc, plop

Constipatie: afin

Cistite recidivante: afin, iarba neagra

Depresie: ficus, mesteacan

Diabet zaharat: dud, nuc, maslin

Dismenoree (dureri la ciclu): zmeur

Gastrita: ficus, agris

Hepatite cronice: secara, agris, ienupar

Herpes: ulm, maces

Insomnie: tei

Insuficienta renala: frasin, ienupar, mesteacan pufos

Meteorism: nuc

Negi: vita de vie, ficus, maces

Oboseala sexuala (masculina): sequoia, mesteacan, tei

Osteoporoza: afin, sequoia

Palpitatii: ficus, tei

Psoriazis: agris, cedru, secara

Reumatism: agris, maces

Sinuzita: agris, carpen

Spasmofilie: ficus, tei, brad

Ulcer varicos: scorus, castan, nuc

Varice: scorus, castan, lamai

Vitiligo: platan

sâmbătă, 2 august 2008

Hebrew Letters- alef

A Matrix of Meaning:
Portraits of the Hebrew Letters, in Pictures and Words
©1996 Stan Tenen
Level I – Archetype


Greatness – Mastery

AlePh stands for ALL, ALooF and an ALP – a high point, a high sacred mountain. It is ALL-ONE-Wisdom Conscious-ness. PheLA (ALePhin reverse) is a miracle and a mystery. ALePh represents the Whole, the General, the Great and Inclusive Wisdom of the Transcendent and the Immanent, together. ALePh, of all the letters, is the only one that is both the Unitary "seed" of Singular Consciousness and the Whole of Consciousness – Consciousness is always Singular and Whole. (What meaning is there to "half" of a thought?) Aleph, as the Singular, is the sun-seed-center (The Primal Point), the Source; ALePh, as the Whole, is the Idealized Fruit – the APPLe – and its fruition. ALePh represents the strongest, most coherent, and most encompassing Archetype; that is why ALePh means Ox (or Bull, the astrological symbol of the Taurean age when the alphabet was stabilized.)

ALePh is the Transcendent and exquisitely Singular "Primal Point" at the center of Continuous Creation. It is the tip of the Great Flame, the Seed, the Tao, the dew-drop ( the Manna – from Pirke Avoth’s description of the 10-Things Created on the Eve of the First Sabbath) and the "Grain that no granary comprehends" (from Rumi’s poetic description of the Mevlevi Sufi Round Dance. For additional Sufi imagery, see the poster, The Geometry of Rumi's Description of the Mevlevi Sufi Round Dance, in our section on Arabic, Moslem, and Sufi Material.)


Health is when mind and body are one.

We express our will to others by both gestures and words. When we wear this transcendental hand and make meaningful gestures, we see outlines of the model hand that match both the shapes and the meanings of the names of the Hebrew, Greek, and Arabic letters. For example, pointing to one’s mouth displays the letter Pe, which means "mouth." Because root meanings can be built from these universally recognized letter-gestures, a naive person can read the meanings of Hebrew words spelled out in gestures of this special hand. Thus this natural hand-gesture language, based on a philosophical interpretation of the ancient circle-squaring riddle, also explains biblical claims of a universal language lost at the Tower of Babel.

We live in a world of seeming duality:
Process/Structure Oral/Written

Wave/Particle Lily/Thorn

Female/Male General/Particular

Analog/Digital Yin/Yang

Continuous/Discrete Mind/Body

Dynamic/Static Spirit/Matter

These qualities are complementary. They orbit, blend into, grow from and through each other, and together they resolve and define a unity, the Tao of their domain. When these complements are infinitely interpenetrating they are one whole; as pairs, they are the essential defining distinction of their whole. Each complement is dependent on and defined by its other. The set of all these dualities can be elegantly modeled by the polar distinction between total symmetry and total asymmetry. No complement is more separate, nor more bound, than the order of symmetry and the chaos of nothing same.

In three dimensions the most elegant economical structure exhbiting total symmetry is the tetrahedron. It has spin symmetry about all its elements

continuous creation

The Talmud, expanding on the Biblical account, tells us that Abraham discovered the One-God while he lived in the house of his father Terach. Terach, we are also told, was an educated professional knowledgeable in the skills, philosophies and spiritual practices known in his homeland in "Ur of the Chaldees," a civilized and sophisticated city-state in "Babylonia."

The Talmud is the "oral" Torah given to Moses with the written Torah - The Five Books of Moses - at Mt. Horeb-Sinai. From: The Handbook of Jewish Thought, by R. Aryeh Kaplan (Brooklyn, N.Y, Maznaim Publishing Co., ©1979) page 42, and Kaplan's footnotes, bottom page 42 (see Note 1).

"It was into this pagan atmosphere that a most unique individual was born. From his earliest childhood, Abraham transcended his pagan environment and recognized that the world was governed by one Supreme Being. As one of the greatest geniuses of his time,35 Abraham was able to use his keen mind to see through the sham and falsehood of the values of his generation,and understand the true purpose of creation."1
Abraham is at home. He is reflecting on the many idols of metal and stone and wood that his father makes and sells. He has a realization that these idols are dead and inert and he "discovers" the One-God. This is a paraphrase of the traditional story. How are we to understand it?
If we, as our scholars, assume that this story is to be taken literally, then Abraham realizes that the idols his father makes and sells are not alive, and thus not able to have any effect in the world no matter what or how they are prayed to and no matter what sacrifice is offered to them. We are assuming that a man whom we are told is educated and sophisticated would make and sell inert effigies as deities. If we met an educated and sophisticated person today we would not find it plausible that they would be in the business of selling idols. Why should we make that presumption about Terach?

Consider instead the following scenario. Terach, as an educated and worldly man, would know and appreciate the arts, sciences and spiritual beliefs of as many different peoples and cultures as were known in his world. We assume this of educated persons today. If this is so, then the "idols of metal and stone and wood" referred to in the traditional story are really the particular cultural embodiments of the arts, the sciences, and the sacred as they are known in various different cultures.

The "idols" of a sophisticated person are not, literally, stone effigies and statuettes. These "idols" are the cultural, political, social, and scientific paradigms comprising the world-views of the societies in which they (and we) live.

When we examine the spiritual beliefs and cosmologies of many ancient and modern cultures we find that they all include excellent models of certain essential qualities of life - albeit each in its own cultural context with its own particular perspective, emphasis and physical analogs.

The ancient Chinese developed a cosmology and an original ideographic alphabet based on the 28-mansions of the lunar zodiac.
The Greeks and the Persians modeled the cyclicity of life by a pantheon of gods, goddesses and their familial relationships based on the 12-houses of the solar zodiac.2
The Druids of northern Europe modeled the self-propagation of life on the life cycles of trees and other growing things.
Each and every culture has made accurate and effective models of the cyclic, self-propagating and self-referential nature of all life in terms appropriate to its needs and experience. These different cultural embodiments of the same universal principles underlying all life are referred to as "idols of metal and stone and wood." These "godlet" cultural paradigms are honored (and, literally, stone statues of these "idols" are worshipped) by the society that makes use of them.
All cultures model the same processes of the same overall unity of the natural world and each uses a different physical example to do it.
Abraham, seeing through each example to a Singular archetype, DEFINED the One-God as the Unity underlying all of them.
Abraham, in this view, acts as a mathematician: he postulates a meaningful and functional definition of Unity. The mathematician's model makes use of none of the "garments" of the many different cultural embodiments. Even though it is a mathematical model that must make use of geometry and form (or formalism) to be expressed, it (the model, not the sacred) MUST be understood as a complete abstraction without physical embodiment. A good mathematician tolerates no unneeded embellishments.

This perspective suggests why the Abrahamic faiths absolutely prohibit "graven images" of God. Any "graven image" would be a physical representation of only one culture's iconography during one historical period - it could never be a timeless model of a universal underlying Unity.

Once we understand this mathematician's idea of God as a DEFINITION necessary for universality we can, perhaps for the first time, see how and why it is possible that the Abrahamic faiths' insistence that God is the ONLY-GOD could be literally true, and not just the chauvinistic religious puffery of these faiths - and in a way that does not impugn the validity of other religions. The definition of Unity is in no way prejudicial to any other view.

Even before Moses was given the Torah, it is possible that Abraham realized that this ultimate, Singular, definition of the universal One-God is also identical with the personal meditational experience of God. That the Immanence of All-There-Is and the Transcendent Singularity in our experience of meditation are one and the same may be the basis of Abraham's understanding of and belief in the One-God.

This suggests the truly extraordinary possibility that our ancient sages also realized that there is one particular mathematical definition of Unity that is also a model of the sequence of feelings, the "Yoga" and the "Hero's Journey", that leads to the meditational experience of Unity. The meditational experience may be the gnosis that personally validates and empowers these spiritual tradition(s).

Further, although the particular details and depth of understanding of the idea of an explicit definition of the Unity of God may have been most fully developed by the Abrahamic faiths, the principle was known and considered fundamental in other cultures as well. Terach and Abraham did not live in a cultural vacuum.


How are we to model this ultimate, exquisite, unknowable UNITY representing our unique definition of the Singularity of the One-Living-God? Is there an entirely abstract - non-idolatrous - mathematical model that incorporates Singularity, Uniqueness, Self-organization, Universality, Infinitude, Elegance and Simplicity?

What is the most elegant and exquisite model of "highest contrast"?
Could this same model also represent the meditational process or the path and goal of the "Hero's Journey?"
In The Laws of Form, mathematician G. Spencer-Brown proposes the "mark of distinction" archetypally distinguishing INSIDE from OUTSIDE as a definition of maximal contrast. Mathematicians have shown that all of formal logic can be derived from G. Spencer-Brown's "mark of distinction." The following is from The Laws of Form, p. xxix (emphasis added):
"The theme of this book is that a universe comes into being when a space is severed or taken apart. The skin of a living organism cuts off an outside from an inside. So does the circumference of a circle in a plane. By tracing the way we represent such a severance, we can begin to reconstruct, with an accuracy and coverage that appear almost uncanny, the basic forms underlying linguistic, mathematical, physical, and biological science, and can begin to see how the familiar laws of our own experience follow inexorably from the original act of severance.
"Although all forms, and thus all universes, are possible, and any particular form is mutable, it becomes evident that the laws relating such forms are the same in any universe. It is this sameness, the idea that we can find a reality which is independent of how the universe actually appears, that lends such fascination to the study of mathematics."
The distinction between archetypal Symmetry and Asymmetry is also primary and of absolute contrast. Each co-defines the other. Without a representative standard of asymmetry how could we unambiguously define symmetry?

Archetypal symmetry can be represented by the most compact structural forms (in any given dimension). The five Platonic solids (Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Icosahedron, and Dodecahedron) and the Archimedian semi-regular solids can define fundamental symmetries in 3-dimensions. (Mathematicians and physicists derive the formal symmetry groups that they use from these polyhedral archetypes.)
Archetypal asymmetry can be represented by a dynamic form that continuously breaks symmetries as it unfurls. Meru Foundation research suggests that this form is a particular, explicit vortex, which we call "Naked Recursion" ("naked" in the mathematical sense - unadorned, without any other quality) and which has been traditionally associated with "the flame of consciousness", the archetypal living process of a "fruit tree yielding fruit whose seed is inside itself" (Genesis I.11.), and with its highest human embodiment - our hands.

As we will see later, besides its traditional association with the heart Chakra, what is most astonishing about the vortex-shaped model HAND is its direct relationship to both our personal consciousness and to our cosmological model of Unity, Singularity and Wholeness.

Confirmation, The Meruba Ashurit Rabbinic Hebrew Alphabet—also Greek and Arabic
When we combine the these two natural models of the source of information—the sun-sky source model that informs us, and the subjective mind-objective world model which we use to inform the world—we find the same form: our hands. When we place the sun-sky Dirac model hands on our real hands and then point to what we want, we see distinct 2-dimensional outlines of each of the letters of the fluid rabbinic form of the traditional "sacred" Meruba Ashurit Hebrew alphabet. (It is likely that this same abstract hand form also generates the letters of particular Greek and Arabic alphabets, using either the full Dirac String orbit or half of the orbit. This has been demonstrated only casually, but based on text references, it is highly plausible.)

When we see the outline of a particular Hebrew letter, we are making a left-right pair of gestures whose natural universal (human) meaning is the same as the meaning of the name of the letter. In this case, form and function are intrinsically linked by the geometry of choice (information) and by how we express our conscious choices (how we inform, in turn).* Thus, the shapes of these "sacred" Hebrew letters may not be arbitrary; their shapes may carry natural meaning in themselves, as is traditionally claimed. Each articulation of the model of the source of information represents a distinct pointing direction and gesture whose natural meaning is the name of the letter that is displayed.

When we spell Hebrew roots by means of the gestures that make the letters of the root, we (often) see a more complex, compound gesture that has the same universally recognized visual meaning as the Hebrew root.

For example, when we point to our mouth using the standard shouting "megaphone" gesture, thumbs in, fingers flared, we see an outline of the Hebrew letter Pe; Pe means "mouth" or "speak." When we outline the shape of a globe, melon, or basketball in our hands in order to designate something "round," we see, in sequence, the Hebrew letters Gimel and Lamed which form the root GaL, meaning "round."

It is highly unlikely that this constellation of results would occur if these "sacred" letter shapes were arbitrary, or the result of orthographic convenience alone. The letters are not orthographically reasonable: words are written right-to-left, while letters are drawn left-to-right; thus, without explicit care, the writing hand smears each new letter. It is important that these findings and conclusions be tested with native speakers, with many more examples, and to see if arbitrary letter shapes could reasonably be expected to enable the same results.

One confirmation that this model for generating the shapes of the Hebrew letters was known in the past can be found in the Sefer Yetzirah, the "Book of Formation." The Sefer Yetzirah is universally believed to be about the Hebrew letters. But, even though the title of the book (Yetzirah = "form") tells us that it is about "form," nowhere in any translation (nor in any extant commentary by academic or religious scholars, who read the original language) does any discussion of the form of the letters occur. This unsatisfying standard of translation would not be accepted in any other field of scholarship. No modern scholar would take seriously the translation of a book titled Chemistry, for example, that did not contain any reference to chemistry. This tolerance for illogic is one example of how some scholarship "damns by faint praise." Clearly there is a risk of demeaning traditional accomplishments when we accept traditional claims on lower standards than we insist on today.

When the half-orbit spiral vortex model (and related geometry) is identified with controversial and obscure terminology in the Sefer Yetzirah, the text immediately "reads clear," and the form of the letter-generating spiral vortex—the apple-based model hand—is readily apparent and seen to have been described and specified with extraordinary (technical) elegance in the text, all along.*

The Sefer Yetzirah outlines the model hand by describing its minimal, essential, symmetry qualities in 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensions. Simultaneously meeting these three simple dimensional criteria immediately and elegantly defines the letter-generating model hand spiral vortex forms. It is clearly unrealistic to expect scholars not comfortable with geometry to recognize so elegant a set of geometric metaphors. (For details see Note 2.)

Idealized Apple, Sufi Dancer, and Conservation of Momentum
This Idealized Apple can be represented by a dimpled-sphere torus, with the womb and seeds in the center hole, the stem and trunk identified with the fruit at its stem end, and the entire fruit identified with the whole sphere. The seed-tree-apple life-process spans from the torus’s hole to the whole torus—from an in-sphere (womb with seeds) to an out-sphere (fruit). This mini-sun (womb and seeds) in a surrounding mini-sky (fruit) recapitulates the form of the source of the information that informs the life of the apple-tree system. They are "made in the image of" the source that informs them. Notice also that this relationship-topology is the same as the traditional religious claim that humans are "made in the image of God."

The dimpled-sphere torus (Edenic and Apollo "apple") had specific cosmological significance in the ancient world. Indeed, the word "world" is related to the idea of a "whirl", and the presence of consciousness in the whirled with the "whirlwind."

The spiral vortex on the dimpled-sphere torus—which strings out the 7 regions that topologically define the self-reference-modeling 2-torus—can also model the conservation of angular momentum. Again, Arthur Young shows how this self-referential process topology is useful in understanding angular momentum, and he suggests that these toroidal models are meaningfully related to the quantum mechanical unit of angular momentum, Planck’s constant, h, and to a "quantum" or "bit" of conscious volitional choice. [3]

A Universal Hand

Obviously, we, and perhaps some of the other primates, are the only self-aware beings that have human (or human-like) hands. This is one reason why an accurate, 3-dimensional, photo-realistic human hand is not good enough to be universal. In order to form the letters of a natural pointing alphabet suitable for extra-terrestrials, we must make use of an idealized model hand based on the natural form of the source of information, not a realistic human hand. (I’m guessing that the "hand" of any being with a self-aware volitional consciousness similar to our own—no matter what its form, substance, or medium in which it can point—would have to be topologically equivalent to our hand, and would have the ability to move and point in a space with the same degrees of freedom, as befits its similar mental dexterity.)

Likewise, if we were to attempt to investigate whether this symbol system could be of use with dolphins, who do not have physical hands but instead use acoustic pulses as their pointing, probing, and gesturing system, we would have to adapt these principles to the shape of acoustic pulses instead of physical human hands. (In this case, the connection may be fairly simple. Acoustic pulses can travel like soliton-tori, which might plausibly be represented by the Dirac half-orbit form(s). This experiment needs to be performed.)

Recent published reports by:

1. Anthropologists now tell us that pre-humans used gesture language before developing speech; [4]
2. Child development psychologists tell us that infants can learn to gesture meaningfully to their parents before they develop spoken language (and spoken language naturally flows from their earlier gesture language); [5]

3. Scholars investigating natural language tell us that persons blind from birth make gestures that they have never seen, even while speaking to other blind people who cannot see their gestures, and that these gestures are essentially the same as those used by sighted persons.[6]*

4. Other recent published work discusses the likelihood that all cognition is based on body movements and gestures and their results.[7](Also see Note 3)

The concept for the design of an elegant, natural, universal pointing gesture alphabet discussed here relies on the reasonable assumptions that self-aware volitional creatures evolve on a planet-like body in a solar-like system (with electron physics as described by Dirac), and that they have a bodily means of projecting their personal will into the consensus world.
I would like to propose the investigation of this system for finding abstract communications forms (letters, numbers, etc.) suitable for communication with extra-terrestrials. We could start by investigating the usefulness of these ideas for communication with our self-aware companions here on Earth.


1. We are neglecting second order effects that are also part of the information source system. For example, not only is there contrast between sun and sky; the earth between them is in yearly orbit, and rotates on a 24-hour day-night cycle. The day-night cycle rhythmatizes the sun-sky contrast, and this in turn provides a clock-and-carrier for the information. Rotation at this level recapitulates, and is represented by, angular momentum at the fundamental-particle level.

2. The pairing pattern of letters at the beginning of B’reshit (Genesis) leads to the Continuous Creation model, which consists of exactly six model "hands".**

The Continuous Creation model can be described with unusual and extraordinary elegance and precision by examining its 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional symmetries. There is no more mathematically elegant and compact way to describe a fundamental form than to take but 3 "snapshots" of it, one in each of the three spatial dimensions. This is perhaps one of the most elegant mathematical descriptions possible, and to mathematicians it’s immediately striking.

This is a unique identification. It includes identification of the descriptive words, T’li, Gal-Gal, and Lav, as well as their unique geometric relationship to the three numbers, 3, 7, and 12.

3. In the February 2002 issue of Scientific American, Steve Mirsky reports on research published in the November 29, 2001 issue of Nature, as follows: "...A region within Broca’s area known as Broadmann’s area 44, critical for the power of speech, is larger in the left hemisphere of humans than in the right. A study has now found that the same asymmetry exists in other great ape species: chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas. [...T]he Emory University researchers conjecture that the area may have originally been associated with the production of gestures used by apes for communication. This area eventually became used as a source of speech in modern humans." [10]


1. Penrose, Roger, The Emperor’s New Mind, Oxford University Press, 1989

2. Jaynes, Julian, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, 1976

3. Young, Arthur M., The Reflexive Universe, Anodos Books. Available through the Arthur Young website at

4. Corballis, Michael, The Gestural Origins of Language, ©1999 Michael Corballis, published in The American Scientist, March-April 1999. This article is available at

5. Acredolo, L. & Goodwyn, S. (1993). Symbolic gesture versus words: Is there a modality advantage for onset of symbol use, published in Child Development, 64, 688-701.

6. Iverson, Jana, and Goldin-Meadow, Susan, Why People Gesture When They Speak, published in Nature, Nov. 19, 1998. Excerpts available at

7. Iverson, Jana, and Thelen, Esther, Hand, Mouth and Brain: The Dynamic Emergence of Speech and Gesture, published in the Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol. 6, Issue #11-12, Nov/Dec 1999. Also see other published work linked to at

8. Tenen, Stan, Man Bites Dog, published in the Noetic Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, p.203, as an appendix to the essay The God of Abraham: A Mathematician’s View (see below).

9. Tenen, Stan, The God of Abraham: A Mathematician’s View, published in the Noetic Journal, Vol. 2 No. 2, p. 192.

10. Mirsky, Steve, Parts of Speech, published in Scientific American, February 2002, page 28.

Internet URLs and Links

Man Bites Dog

The God of Abraham, A Mathematician’s View

Squaring the Circle: The One and the Many, Mind and World

The Dirac String Trick: First Hand

The Light in the Meeting Tent (poster)

The Light in the Meeting Tent (Meru Archive Draft Article: 1986)

Unity and Wholeness

The Geometry of Rumi’s Description of the Mevlevi Sufi Round Dance

An Idealized Embryonic Fruit and a Dancer’s Exchange of Angular Momentum

Hebrew Alphabet Hand Gestures

Why People Gesture When they Speak (Excerpts) by Jana Iverson and Susan Goldin-Meadow (see Reference 6 above)

The Gestural Origins of Language, by Michael Corballis, (see Reference 4 above)